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Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 6:07 pm
by RonKiley
I don't know about Dan, Jessie, but my wife looks the same to me today as she did over 46 years ago when I first saw her. There is no other girl in the world that looks nicer. Dan probably feels the same way about you.

Down to 210 today but I had to go to a family reunion with tons of food. Tomorrow may be back to 212. Celery is always good for me. I think it has negative calories. It takes more energy to chew it up than it supplies. I use it instead of potato chips. I make my own salsa for a dip, no salt etc.

Each of us has to find the thing that works for us. I agree that nothing will work for everybody. There are too many variables. The important thing is to keep trying.


Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 12:24 am
by Chuck_Clark

You look purty good up on a soapbox, actually.


You don't want to hear this right now, so it's even more important that you do. I'm a lot older than you, and I've been married to the same woman for 31 of those years. In that time, she went from 113 pounds, up to 240, and then back down to the 130 she's at now. All of those stages were just that - stages. The one thing we don't have is children - I envy you that more than you can know. But I'll echo what Annie and Ron said. When Dan says he loves you, he isn't attaching qualifiers - and neither should you.

I don't know how tall you are, but believe it or not, you are NOT gross, obese, ugly, or anything of the sort. You're a good, kind, caring, ATTRACTIVE young woman. If you want to lose a little weight, for you, hey, that's cool. But don't fall into the trap of berating or hating yourself when things slow, plateau or even temporaily stop. Just keep it positive, stay calm, and things generally work out.

I'd offer a hug, but your dad might get jealous.

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 7:47 am
by JessieK
Thanks, Annie, Ron and Chuck. Yes, Dan does love ME. I picked the right guy. He does everything he can to make me feel beautiful and I believe he can see beneath the jiggly belly and abundant hips. He talks to me honestly about the state of my body. He agrees that I am the fattest woman he has ever touched, and that it would be good if I lost some weight, but I have all the time in the world, and if I don't, it would be ok with him (not with me), and that every time he looks at me I am the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. But it's not him. It's me. I have a vision of myself within this society, and I don't need to be skinny or look like a supermodel. I just want to be 20 pounds thinner than I am now. It should be easy to get there. But it isn't this time. Believe me, I am incredibly grateful for all that I have in my life, and for most of what I am. We all have our own unique battles/acceptances of weight. I know some of you look at me complaining and think I shouldn't sister-in-law is always dieting and always worrying about her weight. I think she weighs about 110. But to her, that's too much. I applaud those of you who have taken the bull by the horns to turn your body into a happy home, and I accept those of you who accept yourselves as you are. My feelings here are about me and only me - my standards for myself. I realize it is possible that my body is holding onto the extra weight for some biological reason, and that it will let the extra pounds go when it is ready, regardless of how I eat, but I just don't know. I don't want to trust that. Anyway, thanks for listening.

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 10:50 am
by sbruyette
I didn't lose any weight this week. But I didn't gain either. I have had several no loss weeks and while I would like to drop a couple each week I am thankful for not gaining. I was in class for a few days last week and didn't drink as much water as I usually do. For me water is important. I am working on having more patience and more willpower. Why is it that ice cream, even the fat free stuff is such an overpowering temptation? I really have more control when deciding whether or not to buy it then I do when I eat it. But that is something I need to be able to do because it is alright to have some. I just need to be able to stop with one serving. Oh well, time, I will give it time.

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 11:04 am
by JessieK
Good point, Susan...water is important! I'll go have a glass. Thanks for reminding me. :)

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 3:07 pm
by callybeg
JessieK wrote:Bravo, Chuck! :)

Ok, I birthed my daughter a little over three months ago. I had started the pregnancy about 10-15 pounds over what I should have weighed and I gained, *gasp*, 40 pounds during the pregnancy. I lost 20 easily, without trying, A few more trickled off slowly, but I realized I had to do something to lose the rest. I started the South Beach diet (not as strict as Atkins, but similar) a little over a weeek ago. As of Saturday, I had lost a couple of pounds. So, starting now, I want to lose another 25-30. I will weigh myself once a week, on Saturday morning.

Hi Jessie.

It has been so long since I have been on this board! I bet you don't remember me, but I just had to say, I am so glad to hear you have had your daughter. I am sure she is every bit as beautiful as you imagined, and then some.

Remember to be careful when dieting though, especially after the birth of a child. Don't leave yourself exhausted and without energy - in no time your beautiful wee girl will be crawling, and believe me, you will lose weight just running around after her (if my experience is anything to go by.) Yes, I think you need to store a bit of weight biologically after a child. So really, don't worry! I used to be thirteen stone. Now I am about eleven, which is about right for my height (five ten.) It just goes as you excercise more. Don't punish yourself with food, or the lack of it. Just revel in the love of your daughter and husband.

Anyway, as a mum, and fellow whistler, I just had to say "WOOHOO!" I am really pleased for you and your family.

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2004 8:54 am
by Chuck_Clark
Y'know, I think I'm going to start lobbying to change the US to the British system. Somehow, saying I weigh 21 stone doesn't sound as awful as saying I weigh 295 pounds.

OTOH, when dieting, I supose it'd get pretty depressing to take 2-3 months to drop a single unit of measure.

Ow, well, it was just a thought.

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 6:25 pm
by Byll
Back from vacation at 170, a bit ago. Target 155 or 156. It will be nice to get into my school clothes, by the end of next month...

I have lost 4 pounds in about 6 days. Those are the easy ones. For me, it is always about smaller portions, very little snacking, drinking lots of water, few deserts, and EXERCISE. I was a long distance runner in my youth (long, long ago...), and the knee and back troubles resulting from that activity have caused my doctors to forbid the running. (Boy, was that a psychological hurdle.) However, I can walk as much as I want. About 3 miles a day at about 4mph does it...We also bike...a lot...

My problem is that I always seem to put the weight back on again... Takes about 6 months from the time I hit the target weight zone.....I hate the roller-coaster, and this time I am determined to stop the coaster at the bottom.

My wife is small, a wonderful person, and an incredible cook...The last part is my blessing and my curse...(Actually, the first parts are a blessing, too...) Any hints concerning stopping the roller-coaster effect will be appreciated more than you know...

Cheers to all.

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 8:07 pm
by JessieK
I started doing stomach exercises (tensing and releasing tension in the abdominal muscles)...I did 100 yesterday and 100 today. This morning I looked in the mirror and my stomach was smaller than it's been since I first got pregnant. I fit into my prepregnancy jeans, but they were a bit tight. But anyway, I still have not lost an ounce in almost two weeks!!! I could scream!!

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 8:12 pm
by RonKiley
We can scream together Jessie. I am at 212 again. But I have gone from a size 44 to a size 38 in trousers. I haven't worn a size 38 in at least 12 years.


Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 5:34 pm
by Chuck_Clark
Weekly weigh-in results:

Week: -1.2 lbs.
Since being told to lose 15 pounds for surgery (7/1) -9.9 lbs.

As of today, on doctors' orders. I am no longer doing Weight Watchers because they want me under a medically monitored diet. Weight Watchers was actually pretty decent, I lost 22.2 pounds in 23 weeks.

As I've said before, though, I don't think it matters all that much. Just about any diet will work if you do it right.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 5:37 pm
by Chuck_Clark
JessieK wrote:I fit into my prepregnancy jeans, but they were a bit tight.
I thought jeans were supposed to be so tight they looked sprayed on....

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 6:01 pm
by JessieK
Chuck_Clark wrote:I thought jeans were supposed to be so tight they looked sprayed on....
Not in my world.

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 9:32 am
by JessieK
Finally a change! Today I weigh 160.1 - still way too high, but 2 pounds down from the plateau.

And I found a pair of prepregnancy pants that fit comfortably!


Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 10:11 am
by RonKiley
Way to go Jessie. I was 211 this morning but I think it is going to start down now.
